President's Blog

New Mason Vision open for commentary

It’s been a remarkable experience to see an entire community of very diverse people, with very diverse backgrounds and ideas, come together to produce a shared vision for the future.  Since we began this journey last summer, over 3,000 members of our community–faculty, students, board members, alumni, friends, business and political leaders–have lent their thoughts and engaged in conversations about the type of institution that we want to build together.

In crafting our path into the future, we began by reflecting on our past.  We asked ourselves what values and principles have helped us be where we are.  We analyzed the realities shaping our society, our economy and higher education.  We split the task into groups, each looking at our future from a different prism.  And then we integrated all the insights into what I hope you will find a concise, inspirational and aspirational statement about the future we want to build.

The work isn’t done yet though.  The latest version of the Mason Vision is summarized here.  I encourage you to read it and to let us know what you think.