President's Blog

Will Internet kill the old university?

Blog PhotoI was recently interviewed by Moisés Naím (international affairs expert, award winning columnist, former business school professor and dean and former Venezuelan minister) for his TV show Efecto Naím.  The man is so fascinating that I wish I had been the one interviewing him.  But that’s not how it worked.  So this should make do for now.

Moisés asked me why American universities dominate the charts of the best universities in the world. Governance and competition are my answers. He also asked whether the Internet will kill the university just as the Internet “killed the travel agencies”. I pointed out that the Internet may have killed the old travel agent, but it opened the field for Expedia and Orbitz and other models that serve us much better. Just a thought.

If you speak Spanish (or are learning and want to practice), here’s the video. Enjoy!