President's Blog

Ten Things I’m Grateful For

Happy Thanksgiving to all friends at Mason and beyond!

My in-house positive psychologist Beth Cabrera recommends that you speak your gratitude out loud, not just today, but especially today. So here it goes:

  • I’m grateful that everyone in our family is healthy and doing well and for our precious new niece Sofía who was born in Madrid earlier this month
  • I’m grateful that our children are at home with us from college for Thanksgiving
  • I’m grateful for our friends and how much they enrich our lives
  • I’m grateful for the thousands of talented students from all backgrounds who come together at Mason every year to learn, grow and contribute to building a better world
  • I’m grateful for my insightful and accomplished faculty colleagues who help advance our understanding of the world we live in from all perspectives
  • I’m grateful for the impressive group of people I get to work with and be inspired by every day
  • I’m grateful for the wonderful community where I live and for all our university has done to make it what it is
  • I’m grateful that iconic companies (welcome Amazon!) and talented people from around the world love the neighborhood we’ve created and are coming to live with us
  • I’m grateful for the great impact our university is having on our community and the world as it keeps growing in size and stature
  • I’m grateful to be alive at this time and to have been given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many others